Tuesday, December 8, 2015

No More Pneumonia Bouts Thanks to My Colloidal Silver Generator!

 Click here to learn to make colloidal silver...
Have you ever thought about ordering a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator as a Christmas gift for natural health-oriented friends of family members?

I’ve given them away as Christmas gifts to friends and family members for years, and in all of that time no one’s ever been disappointed. 

In fact, every single family member or friend I’ve gifted with a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator has come back time after time to thank me profusely. 

Why?  Because it truly is the gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving

Indeed, anytime anyone among my family or friends gets an infection, out comes the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, and away goes the infection. 

It’s that simple. 

People can’t help but fall in love with their generator when it allows them to produce high-quality micro-particle colloidal silver – the world’s most powerful, natural, infection-fighting agent -- for less than 36 cents a quart, over and over and over again, for life.

They absolutely love the idea of never again having to pay greedy health food store vendors $20 or $30 for one of those tiny four-ounce bottles of colloidal silver. 

But more importantly, they love the idea of healing their own infections and diseases for just pennies, with expensive and time-consuming doctor’s visits, insurance costs, and more.

What People are Saying
"No More Pneumonia Bouts"…

Here’s what the grown daughter of an 86-year old Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator owner recently wrote us:

"I'm writing this for my mother who is 86 years old and has no computer and wanted me to let you know the following:

She would not even think of giving up her Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator.

Mom wanted you to know that she is 86 years old and used to get pneumonia at least twice a year until she began using the colloidal silver.

She has not had any sign of pneumonia in five years and no problems with her health.

She also uses her homemade micro-particle colloidal silver as a disinfectant throughout the house.

She uses it as a mouth wash, too.

She has had no sinus problems this year since she uses it as nose drops (Oklahoma is notorious for allergies and sinus problems!)

Many of our church members are now asking Mom for a bottle for their families and ask again when they are out which Mom tries to keep made up and on hand at a moment's notice.

Mom considers this as something she can do to help others when they have a need and always gives it to them as a gift.

– N.O., OK

We get letters like that week in, and week out.  And I hear stories of profound healing like that almost daily

Are You Hesitant?

But if you’re hesitant to give a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator as a Christmas gift…

…perhaps because you’re concerned your gift recipient won’t understand it’s true significance and value, or might think it's too complicated to use, or otherwise be intimidated about making their own high-quality colloidal silver…

…then let me take that concern off the table for you, right now

In addition to taking a whopping $100 off the usual price of a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator so you can easily afford to buy one – either for yourself, or as a Christmas gift for others -- I've put together a special "how to" educational package for this Christmas season only.

It's unlike anything I've ever offered in the past.

And it's specifically designed to turn any new owner of the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator into a virtual expert in making and using colloidal silver, in under 24 hours.

Yes, I said in under 24 hours!

$232.55 Worth of Free "How To"
Books, DVDs, CDs and More!

I understand that you’ll want your intended Christmas gift recipient to feel comfortable and confident about making their own high-quality colloidal silver right from the start.

That's why, between now and December 15, 2015, I'm giving away a whopping $232.55 worth of "how to" books, DVDs, CDs and reports on making and using colloidal silver to every new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator owner.

It's a bona-fide 7-Part "Crash Course" in Making and Using Colloidal Silver that will have you (or your intended gift recipient) so knowledgeable in under 24 hours, you'll be making and using colloidal silver as if you've been doing it your entire life! 

Here's what you'll get FREE when you order a new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, either for yourself, or as a Christmas present for a family member or friend:

Click here to learn to make colloidal silver FREE...

  • 2 full-color, 60-minute instructional DVDs covering everything you need to know about making and using colloidal silver, worth a total of $59.90! 
  • Another full-color DVD with a pretty model demonstrating the four simple steps to making colloidal silver with your new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge!
  • A 60-minute audio CD chock full of insider secrets of colloidal silver usage, worth $19.95! 
  • A 95-page softbound book detailing exactly how people use colloidal silver against dozens of specific infectious illnesses and diseases, worth $29.95! 
  • A 25-page Special Report covering multitudes of little-known household uses for colloidal silver, worth $19.95! 
  • A 16-page Special Report on the "Most Frequently Asked Questions & Answers About Making and Using Colloidal Silver," worth $9.95! 
PLUS, these two extra bonus reports chock full of valuable insider's information you won't find anywhere else:

  • Using Colloidal Silver Against Cancer (my brand new full-size book, 124-pages; a $49.95 value) 
  • Using Colloidal Silver Against MRSA (36 pages; a $29.95 value) 
These two additional "prompt action" bonuses are worth a grand total of $79.90…but they're yours FREE for acting within the next 48 hours!

Altogether that's an astonishing $232.55 in valuable FREE bonuses on making and using colloidal silver!  Learn more about each of the bonuses above, right here:

Learn More…

If you'd like to see complete descriptions of what you’ll be getting in this astonishing array of valuable FREE "how to" bonus books, DVDs, CDs and reports that make up your 7-Part Crash Course in Making and Using Colloidal Silver, please click here for a very unusual special offer – an offer that ends December 15, 2015, with no exceptions – and might never be repeated again!

And don't forget, as part of this special offer you'll also save a whopping $100 off the regular cost of your brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator – but only if you order before December 15, 2015, while this unusual Christmas offer is still available.

So if you're at all interested, please act quickly and decisively before this special offer is over!  Don’t put it off, or forget, because once it’s over, it’s truly over!

Yours for better health and well-being the natural way!

Steve Barwick
The Silver Edge

P.S. Once you see all of the valuable, eye-opening "how to" goodies you get FREE with this unusual (but strictly time-limited) special offer, it will blow your mind.

So be sure to go to the link directly below, right away, while this very unusual money-saving offer is still available. 

It’s quite literally the most generous exchange of abundance I’ve ever offered, and it’s yours for acting quickly and decisively, right now.


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