Sunday, December 7, 2014

Using Colloidal Silver Against Ebola -- Regularly $29.95…Yours FREE!

 Learn how to make high-quality colloidal silver for less than 36 cents a quart at
There's never been a better time to get a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, now that I'm giving away a whopping $212.55 worth of valuable FREE books, DVDs, CDs and Special Reports on making and using colloidal silver.
Learn how to cure some of the most insidious infectious diseases know to man – completely naturally, with colloidal silver – and keep your family healthy and infection-free from here on out. Here's what you need to know now…
Hi, Steve Barwick here, for The Silver Edge…
My latest "how to" guidebook, Using Colloidal Silver Against Ebola (52-pages; reg. $29.95) is just one of nine valuable and potentially life-saving FREE bonuses you'll enjoy FREE when you take advantage of my unusual Christmas special offer.
This brand new 52-page booklet brings you completely up-to-date on the Ebola crisis, and explains:
  • Why the medical bureaucrats have been waging war against the use of colloidal silver for Ebola, in spite of the fact that a U.S. Department of Defense-related agency known as the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DRTA) did their own testing on Ebola and colloidal silver and found it to be highly effective at neutralizing the virus in live cell cultures!
  • My unique (and decidedly contrarian) insider's view on the unfolding Ebola crisis, and why Americans are ultimately being set-up by the federal medical authorities for forced vaccines and mandatory quarantines in 2015!
  • The specific 7-step propaganda campaign the federal medical authorities have been using to "soften up" the American public to accept the coming mandatory Ebola vaccines – and what to expect next, now that the furor over Ebola has calmed down and we're in the "calm before the storm"!
PLUS, you'll be able to read:
  • The entire U.S. Department of Defense DRTA report on the use of antimicrobial silver against Ebola and other hemorrhagic fever viruses (including my complete analysis of the pertinent parts of the report)!
  • Actual news reports from West Africa demonstrating that colloidal silver is indeed working against Ebola there, and has even been declared an official Ebola treatment in Ebola-ravaged countries like Sierra Leone, even while the U.S. and international news media continue to denigrate the idea of using colloidal silver for Ebola!
  • The official statement of the Information Minister of the West African nation of Sierra Leone (where Ebola has been raging for months) explaining that colloidal silver is now an official medical treatment for Ebola in his country, and that it's already saving dozens of lives!
  • Exactly how colloidal silver works against Ebola, based on the information published in the DRTA clinical study!
  • And perhaps most importantly of all you'll learn my personal regimen for using colloidal silver to help prevent becoming infected with Ebola, and exactly how I plan to use colloidal silver should I ever come into direct contact with an Ebola-infected individual!
Your FREE "7-Part Crash Course
In Making and Using Colloidal Silver"!
During this very unusual Christmas Special Offer, you'll not only save a whopping $100 off the regular price of a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, but you'll also get my $152.65 "7-Part Crash Course in Making and Using Colloidal Silver" – absolutely FREE!
Plus, you'll get two more valuable "last minute" bonuses worth $59.90 (including my brand new "Using Colloidal Silver Against Ebola" booklet) – absolutely FREE!
Altogether it's an astonishing $212.55 worth of valuable instructional material on the secrets of making and using colloidal silver – yours absolutely FREE with your purchase of a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator!
Here's a quick overview of everything you'll get FREE:
  • Crash Course #1: The Colloidal Silver Secrets Video (DVD) – This is the best-selling, full-color 60-minute DVD that has quite literally educated tens of thousands of people into the many healing and immune-boosting uses of colloidal silver! Regularly $29.95 – yours FREE!
  • Crash Course #2: Colloidal Silver Secrets Part II (DVD) – This is my brand new, full-color, 60-minute follow-up DVD to the Colloidal Silver Secrets Video above. It consists of me personally demonstrating twelve separate "how to" lessons on making and using colloidal silver! Regularly $29.95 – yours FREE!
  • Crash Course #3: Operating Instructions Video Guide for the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from the Silver Edge – You'll learn how to set up and run your brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator in under ten minutes! Regularly $12.95 – yours FREE!
  • Crash Course #4: Colloidal Silver: What the Drug Companies Don't Want You to Know – This is the original 60-minute audio-taped interview on CD, featuring Dr. Gary North interviewing yours truly, Steve Barwick on how to make and use colloidal silver! Regularly $19.95 – yours FREE!
  • Crash Course #5: Colloidal Silver Success Stories – This is my eye-opening 95-page soft cover book featuring over 100 experienced colloidal silver users explaining their favorite ways to use colloidal silver and revealing their most profound colloidal silver success stories! Regularly $29.95 – yours FREE!
  • Crash Course #6: 101 Powerful Household Uses for Colloidal Silver (booklet) – This is my latest, in-depth 25-page guidebook detailing dozens upon dozens of little-known ways to use colloidal silver, both in the body as well as around the house in order to keep your household and your family infection-free 365 days a year! Regularly $19.95 – yours FREE!
  • Crash Course #7: Most Frequently Asked Questions & Answers About Making and Using Colloidal Silver – This brand new 16-page special report, written in easy-to-follow question & answer format, gives you a quick overview of answers to all of the questions most commonly asked about making and using colloidal silver! Regularly $9.95 – yours FREE!
PLUS, you'll get my two latest guidebooks:
  • Crash Course #8: Colloidal Silver and Ebola – The Surprising Truth You're Not Being Told By Anyone Else – this brand new 52-page booklet explains my personal regimen for using colloidal silver to help prevent becoming infected with Ebola, and exactly how I plan to use colloidal silver should I ever come into direct contact with an Ebola-infected individual! Regularly $29.95 – yours FREE!
  • Crash Course #9: Colloidal Silver Cures MRSA (booklet) – In this eye-opening new 36-page booklet, you'll learn about the astonishing clinical studies demonstrating beyond any shadow of a doubt that colloidal silver kills MRSA with relative ease, PLUS how people are curing their own MRSA infections with colloidal silver, including the specific methods of administration they're using and the dosages, as well. Regularly $29.95 – yours FREE!
That's $212.55 Worth of Valuable
And Potentially Life-Saving Information!
You get a grand total of $212.55 worth of valuable instructional bonuses – true insider's knowledge and guidance on making and using colloidal silver that quite literally could save your life, or the life of someone you love.
It's an astonishing exchange of abundance unlike anything I've ever offered before. But you must act within the next 48 hours to get all nine of the valuable FREE bonuses described above.
Get the full details on this very unusual Christmas special offer, here:
Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

Steve Barwick
The Silver Edge

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